Understanding Immunity


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Understanding Immunity


The purpose of our human bodies’ immune system is to identify its enemies and eliminate them. These enemies include defective body cells as well as unknown agents such as bacteria and viruses. The main ‘entry’ into the body are the digestive tract, which lets in food, and the lungs, which allow the air.

Within the digestive tract is the ‘gut associated immune system’, which is systematized to allow completely digested food particles, such as amino acids, fatty acids and simple sugars, to pass unhindered through the gut wall into the body. Incompletely digested food can result in immune reactions and eventually allergies, especially if large food molecules pass into our bloodstream. The nasal passages help to prevent unwanted sources from entering the lungs. Healthy, strong mucous membranes in the respiratory and digestive tract are the first line of defense against such invaders.

Sabrina Tan
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