Stem Cells from Placenta to Treating Heart

purtier placenta singapore heart disease

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Stem Cells from Placenta to Treating Heart

purtier placenta singapore heart disease

Even though stem cells from placenta have shown promise for treating heart diseases, there are still many uncertainties.

First, let us understand the heart… if you live to be over 70, your heart will have beaten nearly 3 billion times! Our heart is a special organ made of muscle which pumps blood to our lungs and to every other part of our body except our nails and hair. The arteries that leave our heart are the largest vessels but most blood vessels are so narrow that we can hardly see them.

An adult has approximately 6 litres of blood, the heart pumps most of this round the body every minute, during exercise, this can increase to as much as 20 litres!

When we are resting, our hearts beat about 60-80 times a minute. So in the average day it will beat about 100,000 times! We can also feel the pulse of our heartbeat by placing our fingers across the inside of our wrists, or on the side of our necks.

Therefore, the heart is one of the body’s most essential organs and heart disease is also the leading cause of death in today’s world.

Several different methods are being used to repair damaged heart muscle with stem cells. The stem cells, which are usually taken from bone marrow, may be inserted into the heart using a catheter. Once in place, the stem cells may help to regenerate damaged heart tissue. Researches have been ongoing globally and stem cell therapy could come to fruition as an alternative treatment in the near future.

Sabrina Tan
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