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Dr Lim Boon Hong

Dr Lim Boon Hong

Dr Lim Boon Hong was just 33-year-old when he founded Riway International Group in 2008. He established Riway in response to a growing need from the market to have a righteous direct-selling company that focuses equally on both the financial income of distributors and the importance of a good product. Riway began to change the direct sales world from 2008 in Singapore, the company has expanded into Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam, Japan and Hong Kong. It is believed that they are looking forward to global expansion within the next three years and expanding into other continents like establishing Riway in Europe.

Years before becoming the founder of Riway International Group. Dr Lim Boon Hong was introduced to network marketing in 1999, when he was a third-year mechanical engineering graduate student at National University of Singapore (NUS). Despite his extraordinary academic excellence that enrolled him into the Accelerated Master Programme (AMP), which merely selects the top five students of the faculty, he decided to forgo his education and venture into network marketing business in his early 20s.

His decision was not taken well by his family, but despite that, he continued to soldier-on his path to find success in direct selling. Dr Lim carried on with his philosophy of grabbing the opportunity when the time comes while everybody was shocked by his decision.

At the tender age of 33, Lim Boon Hong believed in helping many people to realize their dreams and founded RIWAY International from a very small office in Singapore in 2008.

Dr Lim Boon Hong : Accepting Responsibilities for the Future.

RIWAY Building a Direct Selling Empire with Legitimacy, Reliability & Trustworthiness.

“Direct selling was never his intention, but after an in-depth understanding of the industry, he got involved and pursued it.”

This is the story of how Dr Lim Boon Hong began his career in direct sales.

Dr Lim Boon Hong was studying in mechanical engineering at the National University of Singapore(NUS) when he decided to forgo his education and pursue the field of direct sales. His decision was not taken well by his family, but despite that, he continued to soldier-on his path to find success in direct selling. Dr Lim Boon Hong make sure that he did whatever is needed from him, Dr Lim Boon Hong constantly reached out to new clients and to impart all the valuable knowledge he learned to his team members. With his full commitment and positive attitudes, it was not long before he saw results in his hard work and eventually gained the support of his parents. Bill Gates once said: “My success is due to my determined vision.” thus Dr Lim Boon Hong’s success is also due to his persistency and his determined vision of direct selling.

Dr Lim Boon Hong started his direct selling career in a newly established company located in Singapore from 1999 to 2003. He gained a lot in term of sales techniques, business development, team building and public speaking skills. His skill was recognised when one of the CEO from a cosmetic company appointed him as an eventual successor. However, after 5 years of huge contributions to that company, Dr Lim Boon Hong decided to leave due to a standstill in the company and the increasing plague of office politics.

When faced with an uncertain future, Dr Lim Boon Hong said “I thank God for guiding me throughout this bumpy road towards direct selling; I’ve been involved with various types of direct selling companies and also became an entrepreneur and a direct sales leader. From that, I learned that there is no shortcut in life and I have never won a team by luck. All of my teams are built up from scratch, through our combined efforts and hardship, in regardless of age and nationality.

“With the vast experience that I have gained over the years. I have become a wiser decision maker.” Thus, Dr Lim Boon Hong chose to stick with direct selling.

This was his story :

I remember driving for 700 over kilometres, when i first started, just to deliver two sets of PURTIER, and another 500 kilometres trying to visit a few more people. I would think of all sorts of ways to fulfil my commitments no matter how tired I was. Many who learnt of this would feel that such a spirit is really commendable! However, what they do not know is that such determination still exists even today. After all these years, this spirit is still well alive to this day, repeating all the time and passing down from one person to another continually.

Today, I am not the only one to demonstrate this kind of spirit. From the company’s top management to leaders in each group, everyone works hard and selflessly for the sake of the whole team, sometimes even to the point of sacrificing oneself to protect the majority interests.

Outsiders may not comprehend the rationale behind the growing number of people demonstrating such spirits – but n fact the reason is simple, all of us see one thing in common, and that is hope!

RIWAY is right in every aspect, be it timing, location, people, purtier, system, philosophy, style, culture, administration or backend support. It is the chance of a lifetime to be able to come across such a system of perfection. Therefore all of us really cherish such a rare opportunity to become successful in life.

To me, I feel I have just finished 100 metre sprint, and now dashing in full force towards the finishing line of 200 metres! I certainly believe that after the 200 metre mark, we will proceed to conquer 400 metres, then 800 metres, 1600 metres and finally bringing every team mate to finish off the whole marathon together.

The superb quality of the new generation Purtier Placenta is surely going to reshape the world’s health products market, and RIWAY will continue its winning streak with sweeping victories and take the market by storm to become the leader once again!


Believe in Direct Selling. Believe in RIWAY.

Throughout the years, i have often seen cases where distributors from other direct selling network failed in their business, with excuses ranging from poor market reception to other personal issues. The blame for the failure will always be filtered down to the industry, with accusation that direct selling is a false hope, that the industry is without a solid foundation or that it is a dishonest business.

Friends, i can assure you that direct selling is a legitimate business plan. If there are any doubts, it is often due to the mindset of its distributors. The problems could lie on the incompetency of the management, the attitude of the uplines or maybe it is down to the distributor’s inability to handle the pressure. Whatever the reasons, it is not the fault of direct selling.

If direct selling is just a fantasy, then why are there so many real cases of distributors becoming millionaires because of this business? Why are there so many people benefiting from the time and financial freedom? Why is it possible we can be someone to be admired, and why are there so many people gaining so much, and often from scratch? The problem is clearly not with direct selling.

Before setting up “RIWAY” , i questioned myself ” Am i qualified enough to set up a direct selling company? ” The “qualification” I’m talking about here is neither about my business expertise and capabilities, nor s it about the capital to kick start the company.

The “qualification” I am talking about is whether i would still be myself once i have achieved success? Would i fulfil my promises? And would i still be able to share the wealth with all those who have believed in me, and those who have gone through thick and thin with me?

I strongly believe the conviction of the founder is most important to a direct selling company. A business man may have a wealth of knowledge and financial stability. But if he only seek self-benefits, he may not have the “qualifications” to run a direct selling business.

Due to the unique benefits and operational model of direct selling, when it reaches a certain point, there are bound to have a certain conflict of interest with the distributors. When such situation arrives, will the founder remember his initial aspiration for starting the company, or will he be lost amidst all the confusion.

This is the reason why “RIWAY” was born. From the name, you are able to envision the kind of inner struggles I had while setting up this company. Most importantly, it is a reminder to me of my initial ambition for creating “RIWAY”. For that, I promise to put in all my effort towards creating a legitimate, reliable and trustworthy direct marketing company, to ensure that everyone will be able to reap the benefits of direct selling. And I will keep my promise!

I sincerely welcome you to join RIWAY, and welcome you to the world of direct selling.

Firm Belief in Direct Selling Leads to Success

With his full commitment and positive attitude, it was not long before he saw results in his hard work and eventually gained the support of his family. He proved himself right by forming the largest active distributor organisation throughout Singapore history. Having started his direct selling career in a newly established company located in Singapore from 1993 till 2003.

He gained a lot in terms of sales techniques, business development, team building and public speaking skills. He eventually became the CEO of several multinational companies during his journey of pursuing success with unique experience, both as a very successful entrepreneur and a seasoned executive.

Riway Lim Boon Hong

Experiencing Ups and Downs

However, after 5 years of huge contribution to that company, Dr Lim decided to leave due to a standstill in the company and the increasing plague of office politics.

Having explored the market for years, he realised that the direct-selling market was mercenary instead of focusing on the importance of products and the financial condition of the distributors. More people were thus more skeptical about this industry.

Dr Lim decided that it is time for him to setup his own company. He asked himself whether he has the “qualification” to establish his own company. His “qualification” doesn’t mean the expertise or capability to setup, but whether he is able to stick to his philosophy and share his fame and success with his fellow business partners.

Legitimacy, Reliability & Trustworthiness

His enthusiasm influenced him to take up this challenge. He named the company “RIWAY” which stands for “Righteous Way”. He wishes to build an enterprise filled with honesty, righteousness and positivity, enabling more people to have a more complete, happier and prosperous life.

A strong believer that a product is the pulse of the business, Dr Lim helped to develop a fine formula to create PURTIER deer placenta. The product has been a hit in 5 major Southeast Asian markets with sales exceeding 1 billion USD within 6 years.

Dr Lim hopes that his experience in network building and management skills will help him to lead Riway as a company of which its management understands the voices of its distributors.

His rich experience in both business administration and network building has played a significant role in bring Riway to today’s status. Having ventured into the market and successfully managed Riway, Dr Lim obtained a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Business Administration.

Dr Lim strongly believes in continual personal development. In addition to educate people on preventive health care solutions, he taught principle-centered leadership skills to thousands of people around the world as well. He is also the author and trainer of several personal development training programmes, and is currently writing and publishing several books on business ideas and network business. His commitment to lead by example has earned him the recognition as extraordinary international business leader, trainer and speaker.

There is this phrase written in Confucius “The Book of Rites -University : “The Right Mindset, cultivating oneself holding the family together, ruling the country and world peace.” This Confucianism message is highly respected by traditional intellectuals. The general meaning goes like this: In ancient times, for those who wanted to promote virtues among the people, he must first govern his country well; to govern his country well, he must first cultivate himself; to cultivate himself he need to first correct his thinking; and with the correct thinking, and then proceed to cultivation and self-improvement; with that, then he can go on to run his home ; and with his family properly run, then the country will be stable and prosperous; and with a stable and prosperous; and with a stable and prosperous country, he can then bring about peace to the world.

This phrase has always been impactful for me.

When Dr Lim Boon Hong first founded RIWAY, Dr Lim Boon Hong was always thinking about a lot of matters, and this was one of the most important lines. Using the company and Dr Lim Boon Hong’s strong cultural belief and a platform, Dr Lim Boon Hong hope to create a positive environment to influence even more people and achieve the utopia in this phrase.

Of course, we shall not delve into highly ambitious lines such as “to rule the country and bring world peace”. Personally, Dr Lim Boon Hong feels that the minimum we can achieve is to “create the right mindset, cultivate oneself, hold the family together, and create a sustainable career.” Only then shall our lives become worthwhile!

To achieve a sustainable career is definitely not a difficult task at RIWAY. With RIWAY, we have indeed improved the lives of many, encouraged them to be more positive and do more kind deeds, and also helped many people to achieve financial independence and physical health.

But today, Dr Lim Boon Hong wishes to emphasize on the words ” ruling the family ” here.

Do not always talk about success outside if your own family is not a successful one! Do not always mention about love outside if you do not treasure your family! That is a very hypocritical thing to do.

RIWAY’s emphasis has always been on balance, and we need to constantly work towards the main goals in our lives: financial wealth, physical health, a positive social outlook, abundant knowledge, a positive mental outlook and a happy and harmonious family. All these factors are indispensable and only with all factors present, then it is considered to be a true success.

Today, the direct selling market faces a lot more negative news than positive ones. The pressure coming from your loved ones once they know you are in direct selling must be a considerable one! When faced with such opposition, please remember: do not fall into a conflict directly. We need to think of ways to resolve this opposition, and use all means to prove that we have made the right choice!

Your loved ones would naturally wish for you to succeed! Only through changing oneself, and showing more love for the family, becoming a more responsible and disciplined person and bringing happiness and improving family finances, then there will be no reason for our family members not to support us.

On the contrary, if you become more bad-tempered and keep late nights and use RIWAY as an excuse to indulge and yet unable to earn money, then we should never expect our family members to support us.

If we are not able to establish a stable home, no outsider can! Leave your problems outside and bring love home!

Dr Lim Boon Hong hope that, from this moment onwards, each and every member of RIWAY can choose to become a better father, a better mother, a more caring sibling, and a more filial child, to ensure family happiness.

When our families see the change and growth in us, they will not only give their fullest support; they will also not hesitate to participate in RIWAY’s business. Because we have already shown by example and success that RIWAY is the correct choice!

Dr Lim Boon Hong is extremely happy to see that many of our distributors at RIWAY have their whole families working together!

Lim Boon Hong Chinese Entrepreneur

The RIWAY Perfect Team, Building A Direct Selling Empire

1. Founder and President | Dr Lim Boon Hong

Having embarked on direct selling since 1999, Dr Lim, who has previously served as CEO of numerous multinational companies, has successfully established one of the biggest and most active direct selling company in Singapore. In all these years, having dealt with numerous challenges and accumulated a wealth of experience in direct selling, Dr Lim has become a successful entrepreneur where his leadership and vigour also makes him a key figure of the organization.

Dr Lim Boon Hong RIWAY

In 2008, Dr Lim Boon Hong set up RIWAY (meaning ‘Right Way’), a direct selling company to enable more people to lead a happier, wealthier and more complete life through the most honest, decent, and positive form of entrepreneurial spirit. In just a few years, he has successfully created a direct selling empire from the sales of the unique formula of PURTIER Placenta in the huge Southeast Asian market, sharing the benefits of direct selling with all those involved. Looking forward, RIWAY aims to lead all partners to scale even greater heights!


2. Co-Founder and Vice President of Marketing | Claudia Ong

Claudia Ong RIWAY VP


3. Vice President of Operations | Ivy See



4. Vice President of Business Development | Dato Kenny Wong

Dato Kenny RIWAY VP


RIWAY’s Vice President of Business Development, Dato Kenny Wong once said, “Not all the effort you put in would pay off, only the right platform would allow you to flourish, and only the right leadership would let you lead an extraordinary life. ”

As the eldest in his family of five siblings, Dato Kenny Wong is also like a father figure in RIWAY. When he was young, he sacrificed his studies and quitted school early so that his siblings could be educated. After experiencing countless setbacks and ups-and-downs, he mastered a mindset before finding his stage -RIWAY.

Today, he has created numerous miracles in his career by devoting all his energy and effort into bringing out the fullest potential of the thousands of leaders who have worked together to make RIWAY a global brand. After being conferred the title of Dato, he made his name overseas by winning the Super Outstanding Entrepreneur Award at the 2013 Asia Success Award, this is surely testament to his ability !

A Deserving Winner of the Super Outstanding Entrepreneur Award

The winner of each category of the Asia Success Award has been reviewed and authenticated by an international panel, as well as representatives from various trade unions and associations, and market image are taken into consideration and constitute judging criteria of the awards.

Making it through such stringent criteria to be given the award, Dato Kenny Wong is thankful for the recognition from the panel of judges, and very honoured to be able to receive the award in front of his loved ones, RIWAY’s management, distributors, and colleagues of the business development department.

Back then, at the invitation of Dr Lim Boon Hong, Dato Kenny Wong joined RIWAY. This turned out to be able to major turning point in his life. Once he realised that this was the right path for him, he plunged into his work without holding back. His perseverance led him to his achievements today.

As the Vice President of Business Development, his business acumen allowed RIWAY to successfully penetrate one overseas market after another. Humble and always ready to learn, he is not calculative and does not grumble about giving his all to RIWAY. He enjoys harmonious relationship with the distributors, and would always make it a point (no matter how busy he is) to show care and concern for the leaders by finding out their needs and the difficulties they face in their work. His approachability has earned him the love and respect of all, so much so that some leaders even proactively share the happenings in their lives with him.

Your Success Lies in your Organisation’s Success

How successful an organisation becomes rests on the foresight, breadth of mind, thinking and ideas of its leaders. With the Super Outstanding Entrepreneur Award in hand, Dato Kenny Wong will strive on in this endeavour follow Dr Lim Boon Hong’s lead to run a direct selling business with honesty and decency, and set his sights globally to help RIWAY expand into more markets around the world.

For more information on RIWAY International, visit www.riway.com


Sabrina Tan
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