Live a Healthy Lifestyle and Win the Fight Against Cancer

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Live a Healthy Lifestyle and Win the Fight Against Cancer

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Cancer in no way means certain death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), minimally a third of all cancers can be prevented with a healthier lifestyle. Early prevention, detection, treatment, and efforts to boost immunity can help extend life by effectively lowering the survival rate of cancer cells, minimizing cancer incidence, and helping the body fight the disease. Therefore, it is recommended to be proactive in preserving your health from an early age.

  • Cancer Does Not Happen Overnight
  • Cancer is Associated to Strength of the Immune System
  • A Healthy Diet Keeps Cancer at Bay
  • Plant-based Nutrition Helps Inhibit Cancer by Boosting Immunity
  • Live a Healthy Lifestyle and Win the Fight Against Cancer


Exercise moderately because it stimulates sweating and deep breathing, which increases lymphatic circulation and help the body remove toxins. Study shows moderate exercise can prevent cancer and improve the survival rate of cancer patients.

Get Adequate Sleep and Rest

During sleep, the body makes a great effort to repair the wear and tear amassed throughout the day and to restore vital biochemical balances. Research shows that sleep deprivation curbs immune system function and decreases the body’s ability to fight viruses, colds or bacterial infections.

Stay Positive

Researchers have found that negative emotions like pessimism and anger may undermine the immune system and develop the risk of cancer.

➤ Read: Lifestyle Choices for Prolonging Life

Sabrina Tan
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