Why PURTIER Placenta Distributors have Ethical Issues?

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Why PURTIER Placenta Distributors have Ethical Issues?

PURTIER Deer Placenta health supplements are imported and distributed in Singapore and many other Asian countries through Multi-level marketing (MLM) and direct sales, or direct selling. It is a distribution method that counts on independent distributors who sell products and services directly to consumers outside of a traditional retail store kind of setting.

Most MLM or direct sales companies reward their distributors and agents for their own personal sales activity by giving commission as a source of income, the percentage of commission ranges from 10% – 80%!

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Direct selling companies have a bad reputation for a good reason and you should be always practise caution. Even though Multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes are one of the fastest growing types of business in the world, it’s important to remember that a network marketing company can be a business opportunity or it can be a pyramid scheme.

One main difference which allows MLMs to operate legally is that they do offer a physical product for sale.

The key is the way they make money.

The representatives of the companies will always tell you that they have the best Product, best Plan and best Company. However perfect the plan and company could be, the products must definitely work in order to stay relevant to the market and turn customers into business partners. What about PURTIER?

purtier placenta health authority hsa

Source: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/hsa-warns-riway-to-stop-false-claims

It seems like Riway distributors have been aggressively promoting their products on different platforms with testimonials unheard of in the medical world and news and media companies have received several complaints on these sellers methods and behaviors. Health claims such as the cure for cancer, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, gout, asthma, kidney dialysis and sexual diseases.

purtier placenta testimonial singapore hsa

hsa singapore purtier placenta testimonial

Source: www.purtierforever.com

“Everyone Will Want to Buy This Product!”

Are these testimonials authentic? If not, is this marketing strategy even ethical?

Times are really bad and sellers are shrewd enough to be exploiting on the vulnerability of the sick in hope to sell their products and making profits for themselves.

MLM can no longer claim to be new business model! They have been tried and, for the most part, have failed.

Some have been miserable failures although they offer ‘miracle’ product such as this PURTIER supplement.

Sabrina Tan
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