Sleep and Health

purtier placenta stem cell sleep

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Sleep and Health

purtier placenta stem cell sleep

Sleep is very important for our health. Besides benefiting our immune system, quality sleep can have the following effects on our body.

Protecting the Nervous System

Just sleeping is not enough; what we need is a good undisrupted sleep. This restores the health of the nervous system – a system that has a domino effect on how other organs work. Researchers suppressed deep sleep in healthy young adults for three nights. The subjects experienced a 23% decrease in glucose tolerance, displaying that lack of deep sleep can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Without good sleep, the sympathetic nervous system becomes more active, inhibiting the pancreas from releasing sufficient insulin for the body to process glucose.

Keeping the Heart Healthy

Inadequate sleep may kill you. Japanese researchers studied the sleep durations of close to 100,000 people and observed them for 15 years. In their study published, they concluded that women sleeping four hours or less have higher chances to die from heart disease than those who slept seven hours. One probable reason is that lack of sleep increases the risk of calcium clogging up the coronary arteries, otherwise known as coronary artery calcification, which is a precursor for heart disease. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that 27% of those who slept less than five hours each night developed coronary artery calcification. In contrast, amongst those who had more than seven hours of sleep nightly only 6% had the condition. Stress hormones and proteins thought to play a role in heart disease may be released due to a lack of sleep and contribute to the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Unlike when we exercise, during sleep we lie down and do nothing, so it is often misunderstood that sleep makes people unfit. Sleep, it seems, is just as vital as exercise and a healthy diet for staying in shape. Insufficient sleep has been linked with lower levels of leptin, a hormone that suppresses hunger, and higher levels of ghrelin, an appetite-stimulating hormone. Therefore, lack of sleep may increase hunger pangs, causing increased food intake. It may even result in obesity. Studies have shown that people who sleep less are more likely to have higher body mass indices (BMI). After studying more than 5000 Turkish children aged 6 to 17, scientists concluded that those who slept less than eight hours a day were 2x as likely to be overweight or obese as those who slept for at least 10 hours.

Sabrina Tan
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