Lifestyle Choices for Prolonging Life

balanced diet sgstemcell purtier

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Lifestyle Choices for Prolonging Life

Lifestyle options are vital to a long and healthy life. Large population researches in the United States indicated that conditions for a long, healthy life include maintaining an ideal weight, not smoking, having regular blood pressure, and exercising consistently.

Balanced Diet

Naturally diet and health are closed related. Follow a diet made up mainly of plant foods and consume less oil, salt, and meat. Increase water intake, consume more fiber, and eat a high amount of varieties of fruits, vegetables, and grains. A balanced diet means allowing different nutrients to nourish each and every part of the body.

balanced diet sgstemcell purtier

Maintain Ideal Weight

Maining an ideal weight can mitigate the occurrence of diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer. To keep weight optimum, individuals should make sure that their calorie intakes are just sufficient for their levels of physical activity.

Be More Active

Avoid being sedentary. Stand up or stretch a little after a period of sitting down. Create opportunities for being active in your living environment. For instance, walking more, taking the stairs or even doing simple housework. Adequate exercise boosts secretion of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins, all of which help lift moods. On the other hand, overexertion during exercise can produce great deal of free radicals, which produce oxidative stress that is detrimental to health.

Adopt a Positive Attitude

Set a simple but powerful goal every day. Discover ways to relieve stress based on what works best for you, learn to think positively and stay optimistic and open-minded.

Sabrina Tan
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