Purtier Placenta ‘Official’ Websites and Distributors Debunked – Riway Review

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Purtier Placenta ‘Official’ Websites and Distributors Debunked – Riway Review

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Know what sucks? A lousy health product. Know what makes it worse? When you buy online, consume it and achieve no results but side effects and realize you have lost money to those professional con men.

With the Internet today, everything is convenient but it’s time for justice for the long-suffering distributors and customers around the world locked in a system completely rigged against them!

Today’s blog is to uncover websites that are faking their identities in an attempt to steal potential customers from real distributors who did all the hard work and also to educate the public about the unethical sellers.

Our objective is to find, identify and expose websites that have been cheating the general public and taking advantage of consumers and sellers of Purtier Placenta & Conscientious Beauty products.

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Most website owners do know that it is against the company’s rules & regulations to sell, market, promote or post any material regarding their products online.

If caught, distributors could be subjected to freezing of bonuses or income, termination of distributorship or the company would even file a lawsuit against them. And yet, a lot of website owners (new distributors) do it all the time and perhaps find short-term success, of course, you too can try.

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Source: https://www.ceposonline.com/

Please do not contact us if you have been affected or taken duped by these websites, with buying their products and using their services.

It is commonly against most MLM companies’ directions to market their products on the internet because deceptive websites can mislead the general public believing in their authenticity. Consumers are paying with their hard earned money and individuals are using fraudulent identities to sell unknown products.

➤ RELATED: Direct selling representatives going online is killing business

Review PURTIER Placenta ‘Official’ Distributor & Supplier

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Dozens of bogus websites have impersonated as Purtier Placenta’s Exclusive Distributor & Supplier. The websites listed here are found to be using unknown profiles, they also have complaints about poor service and or products from the feedback emails we received from Riway distributors and sellers.

No website is currently licensed, approved, registered or otherwise regulated by Riway International Group. The one and only official website is owned by the company itself: RIWAY’s PURTIER Placenta | Age-Defying Health Supplements

Please avoid the websites below if you come across them.

1) https://purtier.co/ [Active as of March 24 2021]

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2) https://sgplacenta.com/ [Active as of March 24 2021]

unofficial sg purtier placenta website

3) https://purtier.info/ [Active as of March 24 2021]

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The first 4 websites look identical, doubtful and cynical to be operated by the same person or syndicate including its web design & development.

[fusion_table fusion_table_type=”1″ fusion_table_rows=”” fusion_table_columns=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]

Unofficial Websites & Unknown Sellers:
1) https://purtier.co/ [Active as of March 24 2021]
2) https://sgplacenta.com/ [Active as of March 24 2021]
3) https://purtier.info/ [Active as of March 24 2021]
4) https://koreapurtier.com/ [Inactive as of March 24 2021]
5) https://www.thepurtier.com/ [Active as of March 24 2021]
6) purtierdirect.com [Active as of March 24 2021]
7) purtiersale.com [Active as of March 24 2021]
8) purtierstore.com [Active as of March 24 2021]
9) purtiershop.com [Inactive as of March 24 2021]
10) https://officialpurtierplacenta.com/ [Inactive as of March 24 2021]
11) https://purtier-official.com/ [Inactive as of March 24 2021]
12) http://purtiershop.weebly.com/ [Inactive as of March 24 2021]
13) https://purtier.global/ [Inactive as of March 24 2021]
14) purtier-placenta.id [Inactive as of March 24 2021]
15) https://purtierplacenta.com.au/ (Unofficial website, no branch in Australia as of yet)
16) https://riway-purtier-deer-placenta.business.site/
17)  – Reserved –
18) – Reserved –


[First Published on August 23, 2020]

Drop us an email if you’ve found other websites. Purtier products (counterfeits) can also be seen on online marketplace platforms such as Amazon, ebay, Lazada, Shopee, Qoo10, Tokopedia and even Carousell. Source from: https://www.bukalapak.com/

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Image of fake “PURTIER” branded beauty products sold online

We understand some of your friends, acquaintances or even relatives could be selling this product on Facebook, promoting on Instagram or spamming you WhatsApp and WeChat messages about Purtier Placenta promotion which in most cases they sell genuine products from Riway International Group as distributors.

Official Complaints against Riway distributors to misleading claims on the web:

1) FDA Philippines: Warning Against Misleading Advertisements and Promotion of PURTIER Deer Placenta from Various Websites on the Internet
2) UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention: Warning against deer placenta ‘wonder drug’
3) Dubai Health Ministry: Peddlers of unauthorised medicines will be prosecuted
4) MOHAP UAE: Ministry of Health & Prevention warns about risks of consuming supplement ‘Purtier Placenta’, falsely claiming to cure diabetes
5) Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (KFDA) – Deer placenta stem cell capsule smuggler caught
6) Korea Customs Service: Refrain from purchasing and intake because safety is unknown
6) BPOM Papua Confirmed: Circulation of Purtier Placenta products is illegal
7) Unscrupulous Doctors selling Purtier Placenta in Indonesia – Claims of HIV/AIDS Healing
8) Jayapura BBPOM strictly prohibits the use of Purtier Placenta: Urged people not to consume illegal products
9) Supplements of Purtier products differ in Indonesia – There is no official complaint from the community

Despite the fact that Riway is one of the Asia’s most eminent network marketing company with star product Purtier. There are plentiful audacious and unsubstantiated claims of its product efficacy rendering them infamous. One of the misrepresentations includes curing cancer, whereas we perceive that it is fallacious.

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Fake PURTIER Placenta websites advertised on Google found in Singapore. Neither is confirmed by Riway International as authorized distributors or suppliers.

It’s none of our business to reveal these dubious sellers, to get them investigated and hopefully help original distributors to get such items taken down by shedding a light on the practice of creating fake posts and websites.

What You Can About Fake Purtier Websites and Unscrupulous Sellers

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So what can you actually do … to protect your business from such unethical and unscrupulous behavior?

There are two ways to overcome them:

1. Being aware of its existence is a great first step. Be prepared to deal with price objections. Focus on selling the value that you can create as opposed to the price you can offer. People buy from people, not your product or business but You.

2. Accept the fact if companies have no control or objection how their products are sold despite complaining. The process to eradicate sellings using underhand tactics could take several months or even years to be resolved.

But think again if MLM products are available and operating online:

  1.  The soul of the (relationship) business is tarnished.
  2.  Also usual guidelines of the company doesn’t support reps to sell their products online.
  3.  If Direct Selling company products are sold on e-commerce and websites then it will be online stores not Direct Selling.

➤ READ MORE: 6 Reasons Why You Should Not Buy MLM Products Online

If MLM is not for you, there are still many other business opportunities in Singapore you can get started with, regardless of your capital level or time you have.

If you’re truly interested to start your own business online, why not learn more about our next promising business opportunity which gives you the tips, tools and guidance to become successful. Hear from you soon.

For other enquiries do 📲 Call/SMS/WhatsApp :

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Sabrina Tan
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