“Natural” Does Not Necessarily Imply “Wholesome”

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“Natural” Does Not Necessarily Imply “Wholesome”

wholefoods placenta purtier mosanco tea

The gains of a sole food-based nutrient will never outdo those of whole foods. Solitary nutrient cannot substitute those of complete nutrition provided by whole foods. Furthermore, long-term intake of just one particular nutrient may result in an overdose or various side effects take for example Vitamin C.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a mighty antioxidant found in papayas, strawberries, broccoli, oranges and other fruits and vegetables. However, once extracted and turned into pill form, it increases the risk of heart disease. Significant, long term doses of supplemental Vitamin C can cause reliance and rebound scurvy can occur after sudden stoppage of use. Conversely, the human body will not have such risks from over-eating crazy amount of oranges.

How about getting toxic from too much of Vitamin C? While it is likely that in rare situations—particularly with a rich intake of citrus juices—an individual could exceed more than its daily amount of Vitamin C from foods alone, we are not aware of any evidence to suggest that Vitamin C intake from real foods ever is responsible for poisoning symptoms.

Regularly Consume Whole-plant Foods to Safeguard Health

Whole-plant foods are rich in a range of vitamins and nutrients. Every nutrient and vitamin not only plays a different role in the human body, but each also works synergistically with other nutrients.

This joint effort ensures the nutrients’ and vitamins’ ease of absorption into the human body, enabling the body to achieve a balanced state. Gaining a variety of nutrients and minerals also offsets the potential harm one substance might have on the body. Starting now, eat up a variety of whole plant foods daily to nourish the body with the various nutrients it desires, helping the body to achieve better health.

Sabrina Tan
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